Sunday, April 20, 2008

Triathlon Update - Biking and Swimming

This should be short. I have logged 22 hours on a bike so far, but the majority of that was on the stationary bike at the gym. I have only been on my road bike twice, mostly because I am not ever home during daylight hours (average day: leave home at 5, get home at 8). I should do better now that I have more time on the weekends. I planned on a good ride today, but my shin splints are so bad I can barely walk, let alone ride.
As for swimming, I have gone about 63000 yards so far, which is about what I used to do in a week in college. I am progressively getting faster, able to hold about 1:15 pace for 100 yards without too much effort. I need to continue to do some speed work, but mostly just keep logging yardage. I read somewhere that you shouldn't swim more than about 45 minutes at a time, but I don't figure it's worth the effort unless I go at least an hour. I do find swimming by myself to be ungodly boring, so I'd rather go longer less frequently.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

My bike's name is Foo (it's a Fuji Bordeaux), and Ben let me name his ( a LeMonde that I tried to name Lemmy, but that was rejected), so it's Sir Charles. I have been banned from all future naming duties, or else I would make a suggestion.