Sunday, July 27, 2008

Yankee/Shea Doubleheader

Well, Darren covered most of the bases (rim shot) in his blog, but I thought I'd put in my two cents as well.
1. Yankees fans can heckle well. Playing the Twins, who according to fans are from Canada, several quite clever shouts were heard:
-"Fifty-Four Forty or Fight!" (a reference to Manifest Destiny and the annexation of Western Canada)
-"Hey Morneau, how many loonies and toonies you paying the ump?" (Canadian cash(now worth more than American))
-"Hey Twins, why don't you head back to Nunavut?" I had to look this one up; apparently it is an independent Inuit colony in Eastern Canada.
2. Shea smells
3. The outline of the player outside the stadium looks way too much like the logo for the union of Jazz Dancers, Pastry Chefs, and Nuclear Technicians (on the Simpsons)

I also have to always have an ice cream helmet sundae at every major-league ballpark I go to. I think it started as a kid when we would go to Redbirds games and you could pick whichever team you wanted, and I at one point had every major league team (as of 1986). So I now have the Cardinals (two parks), the Reds (two parks), Brewers, Astros, White Sox, Phillies (helmet and Phanatic dish), Yankees, Nationals, and Mets. Boo to the Cubs and Orioles for not having them available.

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