1) Went to Long Beach Island to visit Jill and her two sons. Had a great time and I hope we can meet up again soon.
Riley in Darren's Fedora

2) Started work back at my downtown hospital and am now biking to work. Great for exercise, not so great for my knees and elbows that aren't used to getting out of clip-in pedals very quickly.
3) Laura and Jeff got married on the fourth in a beautiful ceremony in my parents' backyard rose garden.

4) I have had minimal time to train for triathlons with my current work and after work schedule, but I did manage to run(!) one and one-half miles (at a ten-minute pace) once last week with only moderate pain in my leg. I'm finally on the mend!
By the way, I think google blogger makes moving pics around entirely too difficult (unless you know html)
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