Sunday, May 31, 2009

I get so emotional, baby

I am normally a very emotional person. Usually, this means when I have a gripe, I let you know. However, I also cry extremely easily at sentimental situations. This has been amplified by the massive amounts of cry-ogenone (not a real hormone) circulating though my system with the baby. The most recent episode occurred today while watching the movie Up. Please remember that I am a huge fan of Pixar movies, and I have an attachment to pretty much all of them. If you have not yet seen Up, please see it now or as soon as the warden allows.
Now Up tells the story of Carl Fredrickson and his adventure with a young neighbor, Russell, and a house attached to a thousand helium balloons. But, the movie starts with the story of Carl as a young boy and how he met his wife. The next ten minutes is almost a perfect silent film of how two people in love will spend their lives and adventures together, although they may not be as exotic as the ones in their dreams. I cried for the whole sequence. I'm crying while typing this. Most of the theater was at least sniffling.

I also started crying a few days ago when I was listening to a review of the movie on NPR. The reviewer also discussed other poignant scenes in Disney movies, and I instantly thought of the scene in Dumbo where the young elephant is separated from his mother (if you forgot, she was placed in the elephant looney bin for protecting Dumbo from hecklers). The song "Baby Mine" is playing during the sequence, and it is about as heart-wrenching a scene as exists in film. The other scene I thought of was the second-to-last scene of Pinnochio, just after he has saved Gepetto and his friends from Monstro the whale. Jiminy Cricket is calling for Pinnochio, and stops short when he finds him washed up, presumably dead, on the beach. He had sacrificied himself to save the others. There I go, crying again.
It's a shame that the Disney company in general seems to have abandoned good story-telling just so little sister Pixar can continue to pound them (Bolt was really good though).
As for me, I will continue to get emotional any time I think about my life with my husband and our new baby. I can't help it; how many people get to live a life this perfect?


Ben said...

As far as UP is concerned, it's not just you (or your baby)! Kelly and I both were sobbing in the theater. Man, what a great film.

pbergant said...

Remember crying during ET?

Rahul Jain said...

me too! i am also crying,its so emotional