Monday, May 18, 2009

About a baby...

Least shocking statement of the year: We're having a baby (really, once it's on facebook, it's over).
It took almost an act of God (aka: vacation) to free up enough time to write this blog. It's been really hard the past several months to keep my blabbering mouth shut about this whole baby thing. Every blog I've typed over that time period has had to have a "I'm pr, pr, pr, pr" deleted from it as I had to control blurting it out. As you may or may not know, Darren and I are extremely A-type people. Everything must be absolutely perfect at all times, period (with the exception of our house; it's a disaster). So when we found out, we had to wait until the 12 week appointment before we would tell ANYONE*. I'm still getting used to whole concept that there is a little lemon-sized infant inside me, depending on me for its every need.
So, as I begin this next chapter in my life, this blog will now be devoted mostly to the new baby (quite a bit less about triathlons, although I'm still going to try one this summer).

How it all started:
A few days before I figured out what was going on, I noticed that I could not catch my breath. I would be walking down the halls or climbing stairs and get winded very quickly. Normally, I am like a 6 year-old, walking as fast as I can and sprinting up stairs. This was very odd for me. I also was running one day and was completely wiped out after 2 miles. 2! A few days after that, my stomach felt like I had been sucker-punched the day before and not remembered. It was like 80-minute abs! So I quickly figured something was up. Darren and I had not been trying very long, so when I finally did take a test, it was a complete surprise. Yay!!!!
Since those first uncomfortable weeks, my stomach pain has relapsed and I have some breath control back. I still can't run for more than about 30 minutes, but it's a huge improvement. I also totally avoided any morning sickness, which is great, but I over-compensated the whole eating more thing. When I go to the pool now, I look like the chubby chick instead of the pregnant chick. My belly is still pretty small but the rest of me grew plenty. I need a shirt or billboard or something that explains my condition "Pregnant, not fat!".

At this point, I am 14 weeks, 4 days. Can't wait for the 20 week ultrasound. Will it be grandson #2/6 or granddaughter #1 on both sides?

*The exception to this is the residents that I am rotating with. Orthopaedics requires a ton of exposure to radiation and toxic airborne chemicals, so I had to let them know why I was skipping certain cases.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I had bought a tankini to swim in, figuring it would grow with me. And it did, sorta. When I bought it, the pieces met, and as the weeks progessed, they started inching apart until last week, when I put in on, pulled it down, and the pieces rolled away from each other, like a window shade.

Glad I wasn't the only one who all of a sudden lost all fitness when I got pregnant. I was coming off the IronMan, for Pete's sake! I couldn't figure out what was going on, and then there was that little thought...and yeah, she's due in 8 weeks.