Sunday, November 25, 2007

Back from Home

We got back from Louisville last night after a (very) uneventful flight. After hearing gloom and doom from the local broadcasters about Thanksgiving travel, DH ("dear husband" (people have been asking when I started liking the American League, I still don't)) and I were ultra conservative with regard to getting to the airport. On three flights, we spent a total of 3 minutes waiting for security and check in. We then spent 4 hours complaining about lack of lines! We're crazy.
As for the trip itself, it was largely uneventful and it was totally perfect. We got to see most of our families (DH's one brother couldn't make it) and eat plenty of good food. We also got to watch our nephews "play" basketball (St. Gabriel 4-6 year old basketball; it's fan-tastic).
I also installed my mom's new scanner ("new" meaning "sat in a box in the dining room for four months before someone would set it up"). As a treat, I downloaded a crapload of old photos. Some weren't that old, I just wanted proof that I used to be really, really skinny and I didn't have any pics myself. Go figure.

This is a great picture of me and my college coach, Rick. I think this was taken about 2 minutes after my last collegiate swim ever. I know because I wouldn't have my cap off this soon after a race unless I wasn't going to warm down, which I didn't for the first time ever after this race (200 yard backstroke).

I just like this picture of all of us at my sister's 24th birthday. Look at my youngest sister, she looks like she's gonna kill someone.

This was taken while my baby sister and I were walking back from the neighborhood pool circa 1990. Notice the Bart Simpson t-shirt (I tried to find it but couldn't)

These two pics are of my middle sister and I. Look at the Big Bird house slippers, fabulous!

Hope you enjoy this little glance into my life and history!


ralfyves said...

Are you sure you pants are high enough in that picture with the Bart Simpson shirt?

Mark Baker said...

The big bird slippers rock....... and why is your husband standing on that chair? It's not like we don't know he's not 6'7" .....

housemdjr said...

in that picture where 'I look angry,' everybody looks different but Julia. That was just a few days before me and Jeff started dating.