Thursday, November 6, 2008

random nostalgia

Believe it or not, beneath my tough-as-nails exterior beats the heart of a severely nostalgic person (really, I cry at all movies, including Return of the Jedi). Despite the fact that I pretty much hated most of high school (with the exception of the people I hung out with), I sometimes think it would be neat to go back and live the moment again. Would I be much different this time around, knowing what I know now? I bring this up because I started laughing at my oldness today. My senior year in high school, all of us had to do a presentation on some topic of our choosing. The topic my partner Clint and I chose? The internet. Seriously, the whole thing. Can you imagine trying to sum up the internet in a 30 minute presentation today? This was, of course, back in 1996 when only about 5% of people had AOL with their 14.4 kbps dial-up modems. Scary. We made up the majority of the entire thing, and I swear there were portions that we cut and pasted right out of the internet explorer help page. We got an "A".
Another goofy thing about these presentations? There was no power point. The only person that used power point was a girl (that we (semi-) affectionately called Elmo) for her presentation on cowboys. We were blown away by the sophistication.
Some of the other topics I remember people doing were H's talk on "A Day in the Life" by the Beatles, L's talk on chinchillas, and A's talk on ebonics. J did a talk on magic that included real tricks!
How in the world do I remember crap like this?


Scott Lundgren said...

Thanks for including that picture to remind me of the curved hallway that led into the band rooms at Eastern.

housemdjr said...

longest post drought ever! Surely you have a lot to write about and you just don't know what to talk about first. :)

Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure we got an A+

Primary source ..."Internet for Dummies" (I just threw that book out about a year ago)