Monday, November 3, 2008


Whatever your political affiliation may be, please remember to vote tomorrow (especially my friends here in PA).
I hope that you vote for Obama, but if you feel that McCain is the one to lead us, so be it. To me, Obama stands for everything that needs to change in this country: healthcare access which does not depend on the fickle "free market", progressive taxes that shift the burden off of those who can least afford it, and real environmental change. I also am extremely opposed to the shameful campaign conducted by the Republican ticket, specifically, Sarah Palin. To try to paint Obama as a terrorist sympathizer is downright dispicable. Let's play six degrees of separation with any politician and see what happens...(I have a good friend who is from Karachi, Pakistan, and his uncle once sold some hummus to a guy who repaired the car that once drove Osama Bin Laden to an Al Qaeda potluck dinner. So I am a terrorist! (None of this is true, except my buddy is from Karachi)).
So get out and vote tomorrow, even those of you back in beautiful Kentucky, where a good showing for Obama will help us overcome our racist past (and that horrible effigy thing at UK). I'll be voting for real change, and casting my ballot for Barack Obama.

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