Friday, September 26, 2008

A little help from my friends

Anyone got any suggestions? I got a flat while riding last week. I changed the tube and rode a total of about 5 miles before I got a flat on the way home from work today (thank goodness, not in traffic).
Any suggestions? Do I need new tires or is this just lousy luck? I know nothing about bike maintenance and the majority of bike shops around here are very snooty. The Chuddley Cannondale needs your help!

1 comment:

Scott Lundgren said...

1) Check your innertubes seem if you bought a bad run where they both exploded at the seams

2) Take the tire, innertube, and lining off and run your fingers along the rim feeling to see if you have spoke poking through

3) Run your fingers along the lining & tire looking to see if something is embedded in either that is puncturing the innertube

4) Call it dumb luck or take it to a shop