Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I got the all-clear from my doc today to run. I haven't been having any pain in my foot for a few days and today was an especially good day. I got out of work a little early and it was nice out (50 degrees and sunny), so I decided to go for a quick run. Now, Dr. Castro told me to alternate running and walking and just take it easy. I got my new superfeet (sort of like the image above) inserts a few days ago and I was rarin' to try 'em out. My plan was simple: run to the switching station near the Vine expressway and back at about 10 minute pace. I guess I was just so excited to be out and about that I went a little too fast and ran 8:30 miles for 2.45 miles. Now my foot is aching just a little bit. I'm hoping it's just the tendons stretching back out. So I'll keep icing and taking advil and maybe tomorrow I'll chill out a little bit.

Thanks to all who voted in my Philly triathlon poll; unfortunately, I only learned that I should do it and that I am insane. What the hell does that mean? I guess it means I should design my polls better.

1 comment:

housemdjr said...

8:30 miles for 2.45 miles? And I think you should do the triathalon just for the sake to say you did it at least once. I'd do it, even if I was completely out of shape- its not like you have to do it in a time constraint right?