Friday, January 11, 2008

Adios pelo largo!

Two hours ago, my hair was 22 inches long. I like my hair long, but it was starting to get ridiculous. It was hard to run with because it was so heavy, especially when sweaty. So I cut it all off. And, for those of you who are in the know about our old cutting hair off theory, I am not going through any major life changes. I just knew I wanted to cut it, and then I realized I had enough to donate. I may use Locks of Love, but I've heard they sometimes charge the recipients. I hope that's incorrect, but I may look into other services as well. I'll just keep 12 inches of hair in a Ziploc bag for now.

My hair is now 9 inches long at the most. It's shorter than I wanted, and I may have to go pigtails for a while, but my hair grows crazy fast (must be said in former capital one credit card accent with Eastern European dude). It also looks a lot like my middle sister's hair, which is good.


housemdjr said...

you really did need to cut it. It looks fine now, as long as its that short maybe you could consider styling it a little like Julia does too. At least to see what it looks like *shrug*. I posted a video Jeff wants you to see on my blog

Jennifer Aniston hair said...

It looks nice but I must say I think ha long hair on you is sooooo pretty. I am a lover of long hair though, nothing nicer on a woman.