Sunday, February 14, 2010

Baby updates!

Calvin is now 3 1/2 months old, and still growing like a weed. He was 13lb 4oz at last checkup in early January, and is easily above 15 now. Sleeping through the night was going well, but the past few days he's been waking up at 3, wanting to play. He holds his head up well, but hasn't shown any interest in rolling over.
He loves the blanket his grandma made, loves looking in mirrors, and loves to laugh. He is reaching Gerber baby adorableness at an astounding rate. He's still a handful at times (evenings are still fussy time), but he is as pleasant as can be most of the time.
Here are some recent pics:

On a side note, we are fully vaccinating our child on the recommended schedule. The fact that the MMR/autism link study has been fully discredited will do nothing to stop the hyper-anti-vaccine crowd from blaming the downfall of society on one of the greatest scientific discoveries ever. The author of said paper was found to have taken a huge sum of money from a personal injury lawyer while collecting his data. The lawyer then used the same study as the evidence for his case against the manufacturers. Just plain slimy.


I know that I've been harping on this snow thing for the last few entries, but this is my record of what's going on, and quite frankly, it's what's going on.
To summarize: last Saturday, February 6th, Philly got 28.5 inches of snow. On Wednesday, February 10th, we got another 15.8. We are not expected to have temps much above freezing for the foreseeable future, and another 2-4 inches is predicted for tomorrow. I love snow, but I would like it to go away once it reaches brown icky stage. The parking situation in South Philly is getting even worse with every few spots being a giant pile of snow.
Getting to work this week was kind of an adventure. Ford Focuses (Foci?) are not known for their all-terrain agility, so I walked in to work twice this week and took the subway halfway home both times. Why not take the subway in as well? Simple, it doesn't run that early. It was amazing to me that the sidewalk in posh Rittenhouse square was more clear than our street (and still is).

I'd post pictures, but really, it's just more of the same white stuff.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Deja vu all over again

When did we move to Buffalo?
Exactly 6 weeks ago, Philadelphia got walloped with 23.2" of snow. It was the second largest snowfall ever and the largest in December. Darren, Calvin, and I enjoyed that Saturday by taking lots of pictures, drinking hot chocolate, and playing in the snow.

Flash forward 6 weeks. As of early this afternoon, we have 26.7" of snow, the second largest snowfall ever and the largest in February (January 1996 was the largest ever with 30"). We are again taking it easy, although I am on back up call. I am one of those people that counts as an emergency worker (yay?). If I have to go in, I will have to walk the two miles.
We'll take out Calvin in one of his adorable snow suits a little later.

Update: the total snowfall was 28.5". Ugh, now we have to dig the car out and get back to the real world.