I think that Cal is the smartest little boy in the whole world, in my unbiased opinion. He had mastered his box of shapes by the time he was a year old (triangle, circle, square, x, and star). He figured out how to put his puzzle pieces in the right spot in two days. He can now point at things and say their names (doggie, fish, cat, baba) and can point to pictures of animals in books.
His vocabulary is picking up very quickly, but he is still not much of a talker. He mostly likes to watch us work and play. He also likes to help load the dishwasher, even when it's clean. He knows if we try to skip a page in a book. He is learning how to float at the pool.
We got lucky that he never sucked his thumb or needed a pacifier. I am somewhat concerned that he does not seem to have a comfort item, like a blankie or stuffed animal. He always just seems to be happy with what is around him at the time.
He is learning to use a fork and spoon, but for the most part, he stabs at his food and then just eats with his hands. He has gone on a non-fruit hunger strike for the past few weeks, but we are just letting him try everything before giving up.
Here are some pics of my cute little guy: